That is Holidayoddities but what about us..
I've been making clay pumpkins now over 30 years. It started as just gifts for friends and family then went into some decoration and party stores and now its direct to anyone who wants one thanks to friends and fans who filled in an old caveman about online craft stores and social media.

The old story that's been heard time and time again with artists is true with me, I have had a pencil in my hand as long as I can remember and clay was always one of my favorites making my Star Wars action figures ( the original run ) into superheros by sculpting over them and unfortunately staining them with the clay colors.. who knew at 9 years old.
I always love Monsters, Halloween and I always got to read Famous Monsters of Filmland as far back as I can remember ( even when I was too young to read ) and dream of being part of that fun "Monstermania". Years later I got to live that dream and cartoon and illustrate for some of the Best Monster Magazines that were out at the time, Scary Monsters, Journal of Frankenstein and Castle of Frankenstein.
During those years my son was born and was on my lap on my drawing board watching me draw, paint and ink some of the all stars of Universal Monsters and classic Horror Icons. Eventually drawing along side of me on his own scraps of paper. In fact we got called into his preschool teachers office and she questioned his obsession with Frankenstein and Monsters and I had to tell her he was my mini assistant and she said that explained it and by the way hes pretty good for 3.
Now he is one of the people I trust the most helping me and motovating me in all the work we do. Prepping, Painting, and Quality Control. He is the powerhouse behind Holidayoddities.
So enjoy this site and contact me if I can help you with anything Classic Monster, Halloween decorating or Art related.

The old story that's been heard time and time again with artists is true with me, I have had a pencil in my hand as long as I can remember and clay was always one of my favorites making my Star Wars action figures ( the original run ) into superheros by sculpting over them and unfortunately staining them with the clay colors.. who knew at 9 years old.
I always love Monsters, Halloween and I always got to read Famous Monsters of Filmland as far back as I can remember ( even when I was too young to read ) and dream of being part of that fun "Monstermania". Years later I got to live that dream and cartoon and illustrate for some of the Best Monster Magazines that were out at the time, Scary Monsters, Journal of Frankenstein and Castle of Frankenstein.
During those years my son was born and was on my lap on my drawing board watching me draw, paint and ink some of the all stars of Universal Monsters and classic Horror Icons. Eventually drawing along side of me on his own scraps of paper. In fact we got called into his preschool teachers office and she questioned his obsession with Frankenstein and Monsters and I had to tell her he was my mini assistant and she said that explained it and by the way hes pretty good for 3.
Now he is one of the people I trust the most helping me and motovating me in all the work we do. Prepping, Painting, and Quality Control. He is the powerhouse behind Holidayoddities.
So enjoy this site and contact me if I can help you with anything Classic Monster, Halloween decorating or Art related.